Why Offer Outplacement To Your Employees?

As banks and credit unions are faced with staffing changes, outplacement services are typically used to simplify the transition to a new position for the employee.  As you support the outsourced employee, you will also be:

  • Protecting Your Brand – A transparent outplacement plan sends a positive message to all company employees and mitigates unintended turnover – improving the internal brand. Protect your company’s internal and external brand by supporting affected employees.
  • Expediting Re-employment – The Symicor360 team works diligently to find the right opportunity for each outplaced candidate by leveraging our team of proven career coaches and recruiters.
  • Enhancing Severance Agreements – An effective outplacement strategy enhances the potency and effectiveness of your current severance agreement.
  • Creating a Culture of Caring – Creating an effective outplacement solution ensures a company environment of compassion and caring.  A transparent outplacment plan sends a positive message to all company employees and mitigates unintended turnover – thereby improving your internal brand.
  • Reducing Your Risk – Mitigates the possibility of litigation from affected employees by offering comprehensive outplacement services.
  • Managing Cost Containment – Shortening the reemployment cycle will reduce the burden of higher unemployment compensation costs.

Points to Ponder When Choosing an Outplacement Firm

1) Does the outplacement firm offer customized support?

Your employee brand can be fortified if the outplaced candidate feels as though their outplacement partner is developing a unique and tailored approach to their career transition process.

2) Is the company able to support your impacted employee on a nationwide basis?

Too often, outplacement firms only support a particular market or region.  Your employee may want to consider other parts of the United States.

3) Resume and Related Document Experience

Ensure that the firm you select has a meticulous set of standards when it comes to the development of the resume, cover letter, and social media profile are created.

4) National Presence

Does your outplacement firm have a national presence?  Said differently, does your partner offer each outplaced employee the opportunity to be placed throughout the United States?

5) Search Options

Is your outplacement partner able to provide various program options to your company? Is your impacted employee hourly, salaried, a manager or executive?  Program options are essential.

6) Is Your Outplacement Partner On The Cutting Edge of Technology

Online tools should be available to each impacted employee.  Does your partner offer 24/7 access to online tools essential to their career search?

7) Are All Outplacement Costs Reasonable And Transparent?

Ensure that all outplacement costs are both transparent and competitive.  The quality of outplacement services varies significantly – as does the cost of these essential services.

Symicor360 - The Plus Factor - Bank / Credit Union Recruitment

Our unique outplacement approach is rooted in recruitment.   Most outplacement firms simply prepare the candidate for re-entry into the job market – stopping short of engaging in meaningful outreach (recruitment) to potential employers!  The Symicor360 team takes that next essential step and reaches out to prospective employers – opening the door for an interview and potential placement.

Our team enjoys many years of experience helping candidates find new opportunities across the US.  After we assess and prepare the candidate for employer engagement, we leverage our potent and effective candidate marketing process.

Best-in-Market Technology Platform & Processes

The Symicor360 outplacement / career transition platform is highly advanced.  We enjoy access to the most effective candidate preparation and marketing tools available on the market.  Our essential partners include LinkedIn.com, Google Analytics, Workable.com, Monster.com, CareerBuilder.com, Indeed.com, Bullhorn Staffing candidate software, GoToMeeting.com, etc.

Our team of outplacement coaches, resume writers, marketing team, and recruiters understand how to develop a customized approach to preparing and placing outplaced candidates.

Personalized & Caring Outplacement

We assume that each candidate in transition is like a family member.  This begins with building a relationship of trust. This is important. These employees are moving into one of the most challenging and emotionally charged stages of their careers.  Our caring team of coaches takes an empathetic approach in all phases of the search process.

Our team leverages both one-on-one meetings or video discussions to bring the candidate closer to each team member.

Trained Coaches

Our team of career coaches are highly trained to offer a professional and effective coaching experience.  From the time we initially meet with the outplaced employee to final re-employment, each coach moves through our proprietary training program.

This training is infused with a ‘behavior-based’ interviewing model that gleans the most essential information and preferences of each candidate.  Before a word is reduced to paper on a resume or CV, our team will have a complete picture of each candidate’s unique background, skills, and future potential.

Each coach is trained in all areas of the candidate re-employment process. This includes:  Developing the corrective narrative about their current and former job status, building or reconstituting the candidate’s brand, narrowing the job search focus, creating a meaningful biography, cover letter, resume, etc.

Each coach is able to then assist the employee through the interview process. Finally, our career coaches are able to assist in job offer negotiation and final acceptance.

Our training cycle is perpetual.  No career coach ever arrives at the ultimate coaching model.  Our philosophy of continuous improvement demands that we seek and employ only the best coaching experience and most importantly, placement results.

Employer / Symicor360 Team Relationship

A positive and constructive ongoing relationship with the sponsoring bank or credit union is essential. We keep open lines of communication with each employer we represent during the outplacement process. We do provide general status reports on a timely basis.

Each sponsoring employer can be assured that Symicor360 team is committed to bolstering the company’s brand throughout with the outplacement process.